Languages: Java, C, C++, Python, Javascript, Typescript, ARM Assembly, HTML, CSS, SQL
Frameworks: MERN Stack,, Bootstrap, jQuery, JUnit, Matplotlib, BeautifulSoup
Tools: Unix, Git, GDB, Valgrind, Shell Scripting, Makefiles, Postman, RESTful API's,
 Online Chinese Chess   06/2022 - Ongoing
After creating my first big full stack web project List++, I wanted to expand on my skillset and build a much more complex web application. That's when my friends and I decided to create a site that allows people to play Junqi (Chinese Chess) with eachother online. For development, our team used the MERN Stack with Typescript and I used React to create a dynamic board display that responds to moves made by the user and game state updates, and applied graph theory to implement the game logic for things such as possible paths pieces can make.
  List++    04/2022 - 06/2022
After self-learning web development with my roommate Eric, we decided that the best way to apply and test our new knowledge would be to create an entire full stack application from scratch. This project became List++, a web app that users can use to create customizable to-do lists. When working on the project, we had not learned React yet, so to make responsive and dynamic webpages, we utilized EJS. For the backend, we used Node and Express for server requests, Mongoose for user data management, and passport.js for Google authenticated login.
  Classmate Connect    01/2022 - 03/2022
In my Software Engineering class at UCSD (CSE 110), my teammates and I were tasked with developing an Android application that would allow students to connect with other students who had similar classes with the purpose of increasing social networking at UCSD. Classmate Connect was developed using Java and Android Studio. It utilized the Nearby Messages API for high-speed bluetooth connections and SQL for database handling.
  Movie Data Analyzer    11/2022 - 12/2022
Looking to work on a project that excited me, I combined my interests of Computer Science and Movies to create a Python script that organized user's data from Letterboxd through web scraping. To do this, I used BeautifulSoup to webscrape data, and Matplotlib to visualize the gathered data. I had never worked with HTML beforehand, but from this project, I learned how to parse data from HTML code, which gave me insights on introductory web development.